complete business group call tracking analytics

Call Tracking Solutions

Call Tracking Solutions

Empower your business with the latest in
Call Tracking & Analytics Solutions

Empower your business with
the latest in Call Tracking &
Analytics Solutions

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complete business group crm solutions

Custom CRM Solutions

Custom CRM Solutions

Discover the powerful impact a Completely Tailored
CRM solution could have on your business.

Discover the impact a completely tailored
CRM solution could have on your business

Find out more

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complete business group business consultant

Business Consultant

Business Strategy

We’re passionate about setting you up for success &
giving you the freedom to do what you do well.

Our team are passionate & ready to
position you and your business for
greatest success!

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Call Tracking

Call analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web & call data for premium optimisation of campaigns.

Custom CRM

Our cloud-based CRM solution allows you to track sales activities, predict customer behaviour, automate & streamline processes.

Business Strategy

Our business consultancy services provide companies with end-to-end business solutions, setting you & your business up for ongoing success.

Call Tracking Analytics

If you’re not tracking your calls, you’re missing out on powerful insight into which digital channels are most successfully generating quality leads. This data is extremely useful in allocating budget across your SEO, PPC, Adwords, display, banner ads, social media, affiliate marketing, and referring sites.

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Total Missed Calls
2.1 Million
Total Call Minutes 2016
Total Network Connections
3.9 Million
Web Session Tracked

Get the Complete Picture

Complete Business Group’s Analytics Solution is able to equip you with the latest powerful data tracking technology to ensure you stay focused on growing your business with the tools in hand to do so successfully.

Speak with the experts and learn more about what Call Tracking can do for your business success. Call 1300 731 385 today.

call tracking anayltics

CRM Solutions

We work closely with your business to build a custom CRM solution around your business requirements. Complete Business Group’s Business CRM solution provides you the power to automate and streamline your sales and marketing processes, generate marketing campaigns, store your clients essential data and integrates with 3rd party apps.

Discover the power a completely custom CRM can have for your business.

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zoho authorized partner 2
salesfroce desk

Tailored Solutions

Process Automation

Phone & Web Integration

Marketing Automation

CRM software allows you to ditch clunky, outdated processes and high degrees of manual effort, instead letting you focus that time and energy on your business’s growth.

It also keeps track of your leads, allowing you to find more, successfully close more deals, retain your customers and continue to enlarge your business’s customer base.

CRM software provides a single place to safely store all of your customer information, giving you the tools and knowledge you need to make sure your conversations are personal, relevant and up to date.

Business Services

Does your business require a complete strategy overhaul?
Complete Business Group is Australia’s fastest-growing specialist provider of business intelligence, marketing solutions and automation services. Speak with the experts.
Call Complete Business Group Today 1300 731 385

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Contact Complete Business Group

One of our expert staff will contact you to discuss your enquiry further.