PBX Integration
Manage all of your call handling via Complete Business Group’s advanced Computer Telephone Interface (CTI). This software allows you to automatically record all customer touch points, automatically record notes, for the creation of call logs and the recording of call outcomes.
Click to Dial/ Answer Call
This tool pulls all of your telephone calls, both inbound and outbound. It also records who on your team answered the call, so you can effectively track sales results by staff member.
Notes Integration
By recording the notes your sales team member records during the call, our software displays them to you in the activities slider. Even if the last interaction wasn’t a phone call, you’ll always have the latest details about each contact on hand.
Call Outcome
Staff are able to leave call outcomes in a simple side panel once the call is completed. This saves time and allows for call statistics to be tracked with ease.
Email Integration
Your email interactions with each customer are logged in our CRM system, giving you the information you need to look at the latest conversations with each lead and pick up right where you left off.