10 Benefits of Using Quality CRM Melbourne Software

CRM Melbourne
21Feb, 2019

Using quality CRM Melbourne software is a huge plus for any business. In fact, research findings confirm that companies that implement this type of software will record increased sales. It really does not matter how big or small your company is, using a CRM system will yield a good set of benefits. Complete Business Group has worked with a lot of Melbourne business to build and develop great custom CRM solutions. CBG’s cloud-based Melbourne CRM Solution will transform how your business functions. Before looking at all the merits, let us look at what CRM software is and how it works.


The basics of CRM

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM software is a set of technologies, tactics, and strategies that allow optimal management of customer interaction. It is technology that allows a business to fully understand customer trends and how to serve them better. CRM systems provide you the ability to track and record customer behaviour, interaction with the business and their touch points being via web or phone. Through this information, companies can tailor their products and services, providing a more personalised client experience, resulting in high customer satisfaction. The custom CRM Melbourne solutions by Complete Business Group allow you to streamline the sales processes while automating tasks and activities, with the ability to map and build marketing and customer services process flows. When Melbourne Business implement a CBG built CRM solution, you tap into a wide range of power tools and benefits to grow your business by improving your customer sales and satisfaction.


Top benefits of Melbourne CRM software.

1. Follow-up on leads is automated

Many companies or ventures never get to convert leads because of poor customer management. When there are many emails and phone calls handled by different staff members, sales representatives and customer service agents can find it hard to have visibility over all the client’s details and touch points. In this respect, CRM software enables automation of all follow-ups on leads, note and phone call management, providing a single source of data entry for the client data. This means that you will no longer lose sales. With automation, the sales agent will be triggered on the cases to follow up on, based on the data available. The software will also have filtering features that allow follow up on leads that have not been contacted for a while.


2. Understand the individual needs of the customer

Once a company knows exactly what a customer needs, closing sales become much easier. Through customer preferences, needs, concerns, and feedback, a company can fully understand and tailor the right solution to every client; this will boost overall sales and improve customer satisfaction.


3. Enhanced customer support

Did you know that more than 80% of online shoppers will need support or help before completing a sale? This means that having a CRM system that has a chat feature built in or integrating with CBG’s Call Tracking solution provides potential shoppers immediate on demand support, whilst providing business valuable insight into the shopper profile and behaviour.


4. Effective segmenting of promotional campaigns

Companies may have promotions that suit only a certain type of customer. A CRM system will help profile and filter the right customers so that the campaigns can be directed and targeted for the specific client based on their shopping behaviour, tailoring the campaign around the shopper profile results in a higher conversion rate.


5. Marketing Automation

CBG’s cloud-based CRM systems allow business to build marketing automation processes.
By placing certain criteria’s, you can place new/existing leads in a certain marketing funnel, triggering specific content around benefits of your product, specials and promotions the company is running vs new/existing clients that you may want to provide collateral around education and training, industry standards and best practice tips.


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6. Create a lasting bond with customers

CRM systems allow companies to create a strong bond with customers. Through tailored campaigns and interactions, you can stay actively involved in your customer’s life. CRM systems allow staff to take notes, listen to the call recording or read the call transcription file, allowing them to tailor the call and remember important information about the client. As this data is readily available in a central system, it provides all representatives the ability to access the same information providing a consistent up to date record of the client.


7. Enhance after sale services

As much as it is important to make a sale, caring about the customer after a sale is equally important as well. This is to encourage client loyalty. A CRM system is able to automatically keep every customer relevant, send automatic emails following up with the client as well as provide staff reminders on events, tasks and action items


8. Understand the market and trends better

For any business niche, things are always dynamic. Keeping abreast with trends through the CRM system will help inform you what is working and what is not. This way, companies are able to invest wisely as they seek positive ROI.


9. Tasks and processes are streamlined

For any sales team to work effectively, all the tasks must flow properly. A CRM system will reduce the tasks that can be mundane and make the overall experience easier for teams. This will effectively cut time wastage as meetings are scheduled automatically where all relevant people are alerted.


10. Information is stored in the right place

In addition to proper storage of customer data, a CRM system makes all the information easily retrievable from anywhere. In fact, through mobile apps, sales teams and customers can access this data on the go.


What can you expect from the CRM Melbourne system?

As alluded to above, Complete Business Groups cloud-based CRM solution will enhance how you do business. Below is a quick look at how CBG can help.


– Track and manage all the customer data with great detail and accuracy

– All your teams can access and manage this information from any device

– CRM will match all email and phone calls to the right files in an intelligent manner for utmost accuracy

– Avoid all unnecessary repetitive tasks and give prominence to lead conversion

– Get quick guides and insights based on the data present

– The CRM system can be customised to suit your business growth needs


Why choose this CRM Melbourne system provider?

Complete Business Group is your ultimate partner where CRM solutions are concerned. They not only provide quality solutions, but they also give you a complete range of solutions that will suit your business. From marketing automation to web and process integration, this is a one-stop business solution provider. The CRM systems have been tried and tested. You will enjoy unlimited support every step of the way to make sure that you benefit from all the merits of CRM systems as mentioned above. Creating seamless processes in your company does not have to be a complicated thing; let the experts help you out. This CRM tool comes with a myriad of features that go beyond your expectation. When you refer to the pricing and rates; you will be happy to note that this CRM Melbourne system provider is highly affordable.

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