How Does Call Tracking Work for your business?

How does call tracking work
14Mar, 2019

How does call tracking work for your business? For those who are clueless, here’s a hint. If you have customers calling and you have no idea how they got hold of your business number, you probably need phone tracking.

You’ve probably invested a huge sum of money on your brand-new website, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, and sleek business cards. Though you are getting business leads, you have got no idea which strategy is working for you. Call tracking is the business solution you need to iron out all your marketing hiccups.

What is Call Tracking?

From the sound of it, call tracking seems like a complicated process. However, this needs not to be the case with the right, knowledge, tools and a tracking partner. Call tracking is basically a tool used by businesses and marketers to analyse the impact of their marketing campaigns.

The results are measured in terms of sales and lead generation. It is an analytical tool that enables companies to establish the ROI on their online and offline campaigns. It also helps businesses discover valuable information about their leads and how the sales team is handling them.

How Does Call Tracking Work?

It is a unique tracking solution that offers analytics that other forms of tracking, such as, Google Analytics, and other online tracking solutions cannot capture. Both qualitative and quantitative data about the performance of various campaigns and marketing channels is captured.

It helps you to understand how customers find your business, which channels work and the ones that don’t. This is particularly important for businesses that use multiple marketing campaigns.

For instance, when running a campaign to promote a new product, the business might use the following marketing channels simultaneously:

  • Billboard Ads
  • PPC ads
  • TV ads
  • Email marketing

Without tracking, establishing a strategy that works is more or less of a guessing game. You may assume it is the TV ads while in the real sense, billboard ads are the ones that are getting the customers to call. Phone tracking will give you a complete picture of your marketing campaign including your marketing ROI and conversions.

How Does Call Tracking Work: Technical Details?

How does call tracking works explainedHere is a typical conversion funnel. Users use Google or any other search engine to search for a product of service. The user eventually clicks on one of the links that appear in paid or organic results.

Once the lead lands on your website, an intelligent piece of JavaScript code rewrites your business phone number throughout your website. The phone number that the user is seeing is unique based on how the user accessed your website (organic search result, online directory listing, paid ad, affiliate link, social media etc.).

Depending on the number that the customer has dialled, the call tracking software can effectively track the customer information, including the source, location, contact information among other details. We carry out the setup process and the analytics on your behalf. All you need to do is to make sound business decisions based on the information we give you.

What Does Call Tracking Mean for My Businesses?

Before you rush to say that your clients aren’t interested in calling you, here are some interesting statistics:

  • Phone calls offer the best quality lead sources for 65% of Fortune 500 companies.
  • About 61% of local searches online result in a phone call.

Consumers prefer to talk to a human being before they make the purchase decision. People normally want to clarify details and even get guarantees. This is a huge opportunity for businesses that embrace call tracking.

A lot of businesses have implemented robust web analytics to measure traffic and conversions on their websites. Though this is important information, web analytics do not measure the myriad of leads who opt to call your business. The calls represent leads that are likely to convert more than website clicks. Here are more ways that call tracking creates value for your business.

Closes the internet marketing Gap

Just as earlier mentioned, emails and website clicks are not the only sources of leads. In some industries and B2B organizations, phone calls result in the majority of conversions. Such companies cannot afford to overlook tracking calls. Phone calls convert up to 13 times more than email clicks. This is because calls allow the sales reps to engage directly with customers, reason out with them and hence more conversions.

Establishing Marketing Channels That Work

It would be irresponsible for businesses to invest in marketing channels including online directory listings, paid search ads, print ads or TV commercials without having a full understanding of the return on investment. Failure to track calls means that the company is working with half-baked statistics about the effectiveness of their marketing strategies.

The understanding of how does call tracking work for your business sheds light to the efficacy of each marketing channel you are investing in. This helps to avoid wastage of resources on strategies that don’t work.

The bottom line is that you get a true picture of your marketing strategies including channels that bring solicitations or spam. The focus should be on quality and not quantity. This is because an ad that might have generated 60% of calls may have most of those calls being solicitations. This means the strategy is still not working.

Helps You Understand The customer

Call tracking goes beyond mining the customer’s phone numbers. It also captures the duration, date and time of the call, and also caller information. This information is a gold mine that can help the organization understand the customers purchasing patterns, needs, motivators and misunderstandings. Such information includes:

  • Why are the customers making calls?
  • How do customers use your products or services and how do they relate to your brand?
  • What Questions are the customers asking before they make a purchase?

Beyond Tracking with Complete Business Group

In a situation where the leads are calling to make inquiries about a service or a product that you don’t offer; you should highly consider expanding your offering to include that product. So how does call tracking work for your business; we are just a call away to not only help you to track calls but also to help you make future business plans?

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