What is call tracking and why does your business need it

what is call tracking melbourne
08Apr, 2019

If you run a business that relies on phone calls and you are clueless about what is call tracking, you are doing yourself a great injustice. Companies typically run email marketing campaigns, promote their brand on social media, promote their website and also run a couple of offline advertisements. After these efforts, inquiry calls start trickling in

Which marketing activity resulted in these calls?

The biggest challenge that businesses face is knowing which marketing efforts resulted in a lead or even conversion. This is because sales funnels often take unexpected routes that are hard to track manually.

For instance, let us assume that Faith wanted to purchase a printer. She conducts a quick online search where she spots your ad. Because your copy is so compelling, she calls the number directly and makes a purchase.

The ad was not clicked; thus you have no idea which advert produced a sale for your business. Maybe you are even thinking of switching from paid ads (which is resulting in sales) to other forms of advertising.

Your sales rep will probably ask Faith, how she learnt about your business. She is likely to respond from Google’. However, though she has narrowed it pretty much, it still does not point at the exact source. It could be from organic traffic, or paid, or even a referral.

Knowing the exact source of your leads is essential for budgeting and prioritization your marketing initiatives. Marketers have had to deal with such kind of scenarios for many years. It is unfortunate that, businesses that do not know what is call tracking still go through this challenge to data

What Is Call Tracking?

Call tracking is a technology and also a business practice used to measure consumer behaviour before, during and after phone calls. As a result, businesses mine a wealth of data and information that enables them to implement informed marketing decisions hence increased sales.

It is usually the line that separates businesses that implement their marketing strategies blindly and those that know where they are at. It enables you to know who is calling you and from where. Most importantly you get to know which marketing strategies work. This also means that you will establish the touchpoints that do not generate leads.

How Call Tracking Works

Now that you have understood what call tracking is, it’s time to know how the technology works. Our Call tracking service employs a couple of specialized software to track inbound and outbound calls to your business. Unique tracking phone numbers are assigned to specific customer engagement points. As such, when a customer calls your business, an engagement point is activated. This associates the call to one particular ad source.

Our tracking systems also record conversations that can be used for quality assurance assessment or tracking the effectiveness of the sales reps. Thus, sources that drive the best leads and most phone calls are deemed to be the most effective. The beauty of call tracking is that it is not limited to digital marketing sources such as PPC ads, SEO, social media campaigns and landing pages. It can as well track leads from traditional advertising sources such as billboards, fliers, and even TV ads.

Why Does Your Business Need call tracking?

Now that we live in the era of smartphones, numerous misconceptions exist when it comes to customer acquisition. Businesses often assume that their clients prefer to fill out online forms to make orders. However, this is far from true. People do still prefer to call a business to get clarifications, guarantees and gather more information about the product before they make a purchase. This makes call tracking a critical marketing tool for almost any kind of business. Here’s why your business needs call tracking.

Helps you optimise your marketing ROI

Call tracking, enables you to establish which marketing channels are returning good leads that covert. For a long time, marketers had a challenge in tracking the ROI on their campaigns. As such, they have been making these strategies on the blind which results in wastage of resources. Since most transactions involve phone calls, call tracking can help make your marketing ROI visible.

When you get to understand which marketing strategies are delivering more leads and sales, businesses can make smarter marketing decisions. This mainly includes, capitalizing on the effective strategy, and scraping off the one that doesn’t work to save time and money. When this is done at a deeper level (beyond basic channel tracking to the keyword level), the results can have dramatic effects on the growth of your business.

A superior customer experience

When integrated with a CRM system, you get to understand the customer upfront before you even make the call. You get to know their products of interest, location, and call history beforehand. You can as well have a sneak peek of how they have engaged with you through your social pages and/or website. With this wealth of information, you can effectively improve the caller experience hence higher chances of conversion. Moreover, from the get-go, the customers can be routed to the relevant departments which are better equipped to help them resolve their specific issues.

Helps You to Track Offline Marketing

Offline marketing channels are monitored via call tracking. It offers an excellent way to measure the ROI on your offline engagements, such as radio ads, TV, banners and Billboard ads, and trade show participation. This is achieved by assigning specific numbers to these efforts which include tracking even the minor marketing efforts such as brochures and fliers.

Helps you track your online marketing

what is call trackingThe beauty of digital marketing call tracking is that it can be manipulated in various ways to give more accurate and filtered results. For instance, keyword tracking on PPC campaigns can enable businesses to tap into new prospects who are interested in their products. Despite the world increasingly going digital, the online prospects often make calls before making a purchase. The click-to-call web ads also tend to convert up to 20 times more.

What are call tracking services offered by us?

As call tracking grows increasingly essential, the Complete Business Group focuses on offering a comprehensive call tracking solution for your business. Such services include keyword spotting, transcriptions, call whisper notifications, among others. Call Complete Business Group right now to get to learn more about how we can help grow your business. By taking the time to understand what is call tracking, you will discover new and effective ways to scale your business.

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