Why call tracking Brisbane Should be part of your marketing analytics

call tracking Brisbane
21May, 2019

Call tracking Brisbane acknowledges that marketing analytics are a crucial part of any successful marketing campaign both online and offline. Marketers use various channels to promote their business. Such channels include Google AdWords, Google Analytics, social media marketing, email marketing, TV ads, billboard ads, among others. Moreover, most marketers track their online activity, which is very commendable.

However, this may not be enough. Despite these efforts, you might still be missing out on critical marketing details on your offline efforts. The missing part of the equation is call tracking. Here’s why:

  • It enables marketers to reduce attribution blind spots in their marketing campaigns.
  • It allows marketers to have a better understanding of their audience by having access to valuable information about them.
  • Helps them establish which marketing tactics and channels result in conversions.

Working with our call tracking Brisbane service, you get to have a 360-degree view of consumer behaviour. This, in turn, enables you to understand how best to reach your target audience.

Call tracking Brisbane for Marketing Agencies

Call tracking can turn out to be an asset for marketing agencies. As opposed to individual businesses whose core goal is to have a better understanding of their targeted market, agencies need call tracking to prove ROI (Return On Investment). As such, it makes it easy for marketing agencies to deliver proven results, which is what the clients are paying for. The result is happy customers, who will be glad to continue working with the agency.

How does call tracking Brisbane help agencies achieve this?

Call tracking enables the agencies to prove to their clients which marketing campaigns and channels are driving sales, conversions, or valuable phone calls. The technology further helps agencies to make informed marketing decisions in terms of the strategies or channels to use and the ones to avoid. This results in reduced wasteful spending and drives better ROI for their clients. As such, agencies can build lasting business relationships with their clients.

Multi-Channel Call Tracking Brisbane

One of the biggest beneficiaries of call tracking services is individual businesses. Typically, companies use several marketing channels and strategies to win more customers. This way, customers reach and interact with the business in more than one way or channel. As a result, companies need to understand the sales funnel from the beginning to the end. They also need to determine which marketing campaigns resulted in a phone call or a sale.

The beauty of call tracking is that it enables businesses to achieve multi-channel tracking. This means that businesses can track the entire customer purchase journey through multiple channels. This way, they can pinpoint, the exact marketing channels that resulted in offline call conversions.

How Multi-channel Tracking Works

call tracking Brisbane QLDA lead learns about your business through one of your marketing channels. It could be social media, Google AdWords, or any other marketing channel. Often, the customer is usually in the research phase of the purchase process. Thus, they click on the ad and go through your products or services on your website and then leave to do some more research.

Days or weeks later, they remember that they found attractive deals, services, or products on your website and decide to visit it once more to confirm the details. However, since they know your site, they don’t bother to search. Instead, they type the URL directly. Once they have confirmed what they were looking for, they exit your website once more, only to call your business days later after seeing your retargeted paid ad to make a purchase.

In this scenario, if you do not have a multi-channel attribution tracking, you would only learn of the first channel a prospect came through in the entire transaction. Thus, in this case, you could have assumed that Google AdWords or the social media campaign solely resulted in the sale or call. However, with the multi-channel attribution, call tracking Brisbane can help you to track the entire customer purchase process. As a result, you can accurately measure the synergy of the marketing channels that result in conversions.

These results go beyond establishing the initial contact but also the exact connection that resulted in a call. With this information, you can effectively optimize marketing campaigns towards a higher ROI.

Get to know your customer with call tracking

Though businesses have a rough idea who their customer is, call tracking Brisbane enables you to have a deep understanding of your target audience like never before. This is because, call tracking gives you access to deep insight and information about your customer, including their location, preferences, age, gender, among others.

The benefits of call tracking are far-reaching and comprehensive. An obvious one is that you can listen to your customers firsthand. This way, you can determine how effective your phone call sales reps are, and what areas need improvement. By being able to understand your customers better, you can know the customers that need more attention to convert them into loyal clients. You will also be in a better position to qualify leads.

Call tracking also enables you to track your employees and their interactions with customers and leads. This can reduce the wastage of the organization’s time and resources. You can also hone the skills of your sales team by establishing areas that need more attention. Another great advantage of call tracking is that it gives you a better idea about where to invest your effort more. This could be on your:

  • Marketing assets
  • Staff
  • Product development

Complete Business Group call tracking services

Whether you are a marketing agency or a standalone business, our call tracking services equip you with a wide range of features that not only track your marketing campaigns but also improve your ROI. By focusing on customer information and behaviour, we help you to understand your target audience. This way, you can exceed your customer’s expectation and consequently achieve great success. Get in touch with our Call tracking Brisbane service to learn more about how we can make your business grow.

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