Why use call tracking for your marketing campaign analytics

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13Mar, 2019

So why use call tracking while you already employ other marketing campaign analytics in your business? Businesses or marketers asking this question, most likely already know about Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and everything in between. Such a business will often admit that even though they are tracking their online activity, they still do not have the full grasp of the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

Why use call tracking?

Simply put, call tracking is the missing piece of the puzzle in the marketing industry. It enables marketers to reduce the number of blind spots in their campaigns and also helps establish which tactics (both online and offline) bring customers to their business. Using call tracking gives you a 360-degree view of consumer behaviour and also critical insight into how to reach your target market. For businesses and marketers who are still asking why use call tracking, here are some of the reasons.

Facilitates Higher Lead Conversions

Here are some facts that might make businesses reconsider their marketing strategy. Phone calls result in 30 to 50% conversion rates, while web clicks only achieve 1 to 2% conversions. On the other hand, web tracking is limited to web forms and ad links; offline marketing channels are not covered.

Unfortunately, despite the advanced web analysis methods, salespeople and business owners still struggle to establish the source of a call or what campaign initiated specific leads. With call tracking, however, businesses can establish the exact source of a lead and also other call metrics that illustrate your business’s marketing contribution.

Why Use Call Tracking: Get to Know Your Customer

Most businesses have a rough idea about who their customer is. However, to carry out successful marketing campaigns, businesses need to have a thorough understanding of their customer base. Call tracking can offer deep businesses insight and information they need to know about their customers.

This is especially because calls enable you to listen to your customer first hand. With more people opting to call the business rather than fill out a web form, giving them a number to call means you have already improved the customer experience. When you add call tracking in the mix, you get to mine critical customer and market information.

Such information includes which advert prompted the call, the caller’s intent and whether or not a sale was made. Call tracking enables businesses to understand their customers in real time and thus can tailor their message and service for superior customer experience.

Improved service delivery

Tracking calls enable businesses to establish the effectiveness of their customer service team. It also enables them to establish where their services need improvement. The end goal is to boost customer satisfaction and retention hence higher conversions. Businesses are also in a better position to qualify the leads and establish the ones that need more personalized attention, so as to turn them into loyal customers.

Call tracking also enables you to monitor your employees as they interact with the customers. You can then use this information to hone the sale’s team skills by identifying their areas of weakness and strength and also equip them with better tactics to increase conversions.

Establish Your Marketing ROI

One of the most important reasons why businesses use call tracking is to track how their online and offline marketing efforts are paying off. When it comes to online marketing, web analytics can effectively track your ROI. However, there is a challenge when it comes to tracking offline campaigns such as TV commercials, flyers, billboards, and other traditional advertising methods.

Call tracking offers a suitable way to of track such campaigns. This is achieved by adding tracking numbers in the offline ads. When combined with web tracking, businesses get a more accurate ROI on their marketing campaigns.

Why use Call Tracking: Optimize Web Campaigns

call trackingWeb analytics do offer greats insights on your online marketing campaigns. However, with 70% of online users preferring to call the business before marking a purchase, it is easy to see why call tracking enhances the power of online marketing.

One such great service offered by Complete Business Group is keyword level call tracking. It gives insight into which keywords result in calls and sales. Keyword call tracking not only enables you to establish the keywords the customers use to discover your business but also to tracks your PPC visitors.

Create an Integrated Marketing

The digital marketing options have made it much easier to track the marketing campaigns and also enhance the customer experience. Web analytics offer value to businesses by tracking leads from advertising links and web forms. Since web tracking has been effective so far, it can be improved further by adding a phone number to online marketing campaigns. This adds call tracking into the mix; which makes sense since 70% of businesses call leads come from digital marketing channels. By employing this integrated marketing analysis, businesses can make more profitable and smarter marketing investments.

Why Use Call Tracking: Marketing Agencies

Besides individual businesses, marketing agencies to need the power of call tracking to establish ROI on their campaigns. What their clients are looking and paying for is proven results. Call tracking makes it easy for them to deliver that. Just like individual businesses, agencies can use phone tracking analytics to make informed decisions which result in improved ROI and reduced wastage in ad spending. This is equivalent to happy and loyal clients.

Complete Business Group Call Tracking Solutions

Our call tracking solutions help businesses to not only understand their customer’s behaviour but also what motivates them. We dig deep into the customer insights, to help you customize your marketing strategy to improve your ROI and conversions.

More importantly, our services show you where to invest your efforts more. It could be on your marketing assets, your staff, or even on product development. The bottom line is that you are making informed decisions in every marketing move you make. Having understood why use call tracking, it is time you make a commitment to improving your marketing ROI by getting in touch with us right now!

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