Automatic Routing

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Automatic Routing.
No customer likes to waste time siphoning through a huge variety of phone options. Callers inspired by your marketing campaigns can be seamlessly transferred to the most appropriate call centre operator. As well, a single advertised call tracking number can be routed to a variety of termination points, in accordance with both your business requirements and the intent of your caller.

Historically, call routing has been the domain of an IVR – ‘press one for sales, press two for accounts’, and so on. However, the Complete Business Group IVR solution allows you to completely modify your IVR configuration through a simple and intuitive interface, giving you the power to change audio files as required.

Companies operating out of multiple locations can divert calls based on geographical region or store capacity. As well, time of day routing lets you direct calls to different teams, depending on the time the call is placed. These settings are easily configured and managed through Complete Business Group’s reporting tool, allowing you to make changes with immediate effect.

The automatic routing abilities include: 

  • Decisions on call routing completely based on your business’s requirements
  • Calls routed based on time of day
  • Route calls based on caller location
  • Automatic routing in Australia
  • Route calls based on % call volume
  • Call Splaying
  • Round Robin
  • Sequential Based Routing