Missed Call Alerts

case 09

Missed Call Alerts
Customer leads are valuable, and no business wants to miss a call, even if it was placed outside of operating hours. Research demonstrates that up to 30% of incoming calls to businesses go unanswered, either because the caller terminates the call, or the call isn’t answered.

Complete Business Group’s call email notification feature enables you to catch unanswered calls and convert them into a sale. Each time a call is made to a call tracking number, Complete Business Group’s system will automatically send a call alert email to a specified email address, including the following information…

  • The caller’s phone number, where available
  • The time and date of the call
  • The call outcome (answered/busy/not answered)
  • Whether a voicemail was attached by the caller, attaching it as a .wav file if so
  • The full referrer URL relating to that call

These call notifications are fully customisable with white labelling options to suit your business requirements. All emails can be branded with your company logo and sent to your dedicated inbox