Voice to Text Transcription

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Voice to Text Transcription
Our call transcription feature sits alongside your phone system, requiring no further changes to your existing technology infrastructure. Our powerful voice-to-text transcription software transcribes calls in real time, with data available shortly after the call is complete. This data has an impressive 80% accuracy rate and provides real-time insight into sales successes.

Changing the way you view phone calls.
A conversation with your customer is the best way possible you can interact with your clients, as it allows you to engage them directly and personally in conversation. As compared to an indirect method like an eDM or print advertising. But what if you could analyse the call? In real Time?
Our call transcription product not only transcribes calls for you but can analyse certain elements of the call to help you make better marketing decisions.

Further Analysis Options.
Complete Business Group’s call tracking features extends even further…

  • Gender analysis – if you require insight into the gender of your customer leads, this is a powerful way to gain an extra data set without further expenditure.
  • Multiple language support – English, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French and German are all currently supported by our call tracking software.